Boston Magazine Top Doctor


Patient Reviews

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5 Stars

15 Reviews | Average Rating: 5

5 Stars

Had a great experience with Dr. Theodore and his team. The surgical and office staff were friendly and efficient. I was very happy with the pre and post op care I received and I had a great result after my ACL repair.
5 Stars

Had a great experience with Dr. Theodore and his team. The surgical and office staff were friendly and efficient. I was very happy with the pre and post op care I received and I had a great result after my ACL repair.
5 Stars

Dr. Theodore operated on my torn anchilles and calf – I cannot recommend him highly enough! His expertise and experience were invaluable throughout what is an arduous and difficult recovery process.
5 Stars

I went to see Dr Theodore for a meniscus tear after having had issues from Planar fasciitis to Achilles Tendonitis… and then knee issues. It has been about a year since I had walked normally and I had been going religiously to PT for nearly that long! Just before I met with Dr Theodore for the first time, his office scheduled me for an X-ray (very convenient, in for X-ray, then in for office visit). And, then, after reviewing the X-ray, in my first meeting with him, he listened carefully and explained exactly what he was doing while doing the physical exam. There was no way around the discomfort but at least I felt I knew WHY. Then, he discussed options with me and explained choices in terms of likely outcomes. As my knee was swollen, he directed me do have a Cortisone shot with imaging… which I did. And, it worked! I am walking again and not needing to use pain medications to sleep through the night. I can twist and turn and dance :-). In addition to having his recommendations work… I felt cared for and listened to. That is SO rare in this day and age of insurance setting the time that a doctor meets with us. Fabulous doctor!
5 Stars

Great practice… I had an excellent outcome after a complex ankle surgery. Dr. Theodore is an elite surgeon combined with excellent patient interaction/communication. His staff is professional and very well organized.
5 Stars

Dr. Theodore is the best orthopedic surgeon in the country! He absolutely is the only doctor who was able to diagnose and repair my ankle so I was pain free and able to walk. I traveled from Upstate NY to have my surgery performed by Dr. Theodore. I continue to travel to his office in Boston for all of my follow up visits. He goes above and beyond with his patients to insure they are getting the best possible results and care at Mass General.
5 Stars

Dr. Theodore is great. Would absolutely recommend going to see him if you’ve torn your Achilles. After rupturing my Achilles playing basketball earlier this year, I called Dr. Theodore’s office the following morning and was able to get a same-day appointment. In that first appointment, Dr. Theodore explained very clearly my surgical and non-surgical options along with the pros and cons of each based on relevant medical literature. He also replaced my clunky ED splint with a much more maneuverable one. We scheduled an Achilles repair procedure for one week out. Post-procedure, Dr. Theodore was very helpful at each check in appointment along the way. He provided on how I was progressing, and made clear what next steps and limitations were at each stage of recovery, presenting options for conservative recovery paths as well as more expedited timelines based on my progress. At Dr. Theodore’s suggestion, I went to PT at the practice across the hall from his office and had a great experience with Nicole. I’m now 9 months out from surgery and no longer have any real limitations on what I can do outside of modestly reduced dorsiflexion on my affected side.
5 Stars

I broke my foot in 4 places and sprained my ankle and hurt my knee and Dr. Theodore and PA Kayla got me back to my original walking abilities. I came all the way from Hawaii to see Dr. Theodore and it was very much worth it! Greatly recommend him and his team!
5 Stars

When I needed a complicated meniscus repair recently, the only MD I considered was Dr. Theodore. He had done a superb job with my foot surgery several years before. This time around exceeded my high expectations. He and his staff (PA Kayla and administrator Clancy) streamlined the process. They communicated responsively, followed up efficiently, and offered clear, helpful medical information along the way. They took my pain seriously and worked to get me back on my feet more rapidly than I had dared to hope. I told Dr. Theodore that I wished he were my PCP—his humanity and warmth are as extraordinary as his surgical expertise!
5 Stars

It is with great pleasure that I write this review of Dr. George Theodore. I met Dr. Theodore just over a year ago. After four surgeries and seven years in a boot due, I had little hope that I would ever walk without pain. Dr. Theodore was my last hope. In our consultation, Dr. Theodore was thoughtful and kind in his questioning. Not only did he gather my medical history, but Dr. Theodore also listened attentively to my concerns and considered my hopes moving forward. Subsequently, he explained that my surgery was rare and complicated. Dr. Theodore explained the options, outlined possible outcomes, and offered support throughout my decision-making process. Given his thoroughness, professionalism, and expertise, I had the utmost confidence that, to whatever degree possible, my surgery would have a positive outcome. In the many months following my surgery, Dr. Theodore treated me with compassion, kindness, dignity and unwavering honestly. Not only did I feel supported, but I also truly felt that Dr. Theodore genuinely cared for me. Dr. Theodore is not only an exceptional doctor, but just a lovely person. Furthermore, Dr. Theodore’s Team- Kayla McKinnon, Michelle Savasta and Clancy Meagher- are extraordinary. Their efforts and care supported me throughout this process. They, too, have contributed so much to my healing. It is because of Dr. Theodore’s skills, now, one year later, I am walking every day and participating in yoga three days a week- all without pain! I have repeatedly stated to Dr. Theodore that he is a miracle worker, which he modestly brushes aside. He has given me an extraordinary gift- the ability to participate in life again without pain. I will always be tremendously grateful to him. Dr. Theodore is exemplary at his craft for both his skills and kindness.
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